All About Tony

Big Tony grew up on the streets in Italy. He went everywhere with his father, and this meant the daily card games that were played with the local card sharks. Tony learned at a very early age that playing cards could be a great way to make some money without having to do any hard labor. He would continually watch the men play cards and determine their chances of winning. Being a kid, the men always let him look at their hands, so he learned quickly how to read people and their cards.

Tony eventually graduated through his dad’s card school and went on to do the same thing with his school mates. It wasn’t long before he was invited to play cards with the same men that taught him the game. He knew these men and their games better than anyone, and he quickly made a small fortune.

The thought of winning more money was always in Big Tony’s thoughts. He used his winnings to come to America and play with the best in the world. Tony continued to dominate his opponents, and then the internet came around. Big Tony decided to create his own website to teach other players how to play and make money. This is the site that Big Tony has created, and now he can still play cards with the boys from the Old Country from wherever he is in the world.

Big Tony works hard in all that he does, and this website is his baby. He cares for his little bambino as much as anyone could, and that is why this site is so well-managed. Tony takes pride in his work, and this is your chance to join one of Italy’s and America’s finest poker players.

Grab the deck and let’s deal.